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Lignobiotech II symposium
  ■概 要
  ■日 時
  ■場 所
  ■備 考

  ■概 要
XIII, International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology
XIII, International Congress of Mycology
XV, International Congress of Virology
  ■日 時
6-11 September 2011 
  ■場 所
Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo Business Innovation Center 
  ■備 考

Asian Mycological Congress 2011 with 12th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium
  ■概 要
Important dates

Deadline for abstract submission: May 1, 2011
Notification of abstract acceptance: May 30, 2011
Early registration: April 30, 2011
Deadline for registration and hotel reservation: June 15, 2011
  ■日 時
August 7-11, 2011 
  ■場 所
Incheon, Korea 
  ■備 考
Website: http://www.amc2011.org 

International Symposium on Fungal Biodiversity and Resources
  ■概 要
This symposium will include poster and oral presentations. We will run parallel sessions for oral papers so if you would like to give an oral paper this will be possible. Please see more detail about the registration, invited speaker and poster guideline in attached file.
We hope to see you here. The weather should be lovely at this time of year.
  ■日 時
11th13th November 2010 
  ■場 所
Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand 
  ■備 考

日韓菌学会シンポジウムMSJ(The Mycological Society of Japan)/KSM (Korean Society of Mycology) Joint Symposium 2010開催のお知らせ
  ■概 要
調日韓菌学会シンポジウムMSJ(The Mycological Society of Japan)/KSM (Korean Society of
Mycology) Joint Symposium 2010開催のお知らせ


大阪市立自然史博物館( http://www.mus-nh.city.osaka.jp/)
住所:〒546-0034 大阪市東住吉区長居公園1-23
地下鉄御堂筋線「長居(ながい)」駅 南改札口3号出口から東へ約800m
JR阪和線「長居」駅 東出口から東へ約1km

「日本の菌類多様性研究を概観する インベントリーから生態系相互作用まで」

“Diversity and functioning of microfungi along a climatic gradient”
小長谷啓介先生(Kangwon National University)
“The diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi - Recent approaches and problems -”
白水 貴先生(鳥取大学)
“Origin and diversification of wood-decaying basidiomycetes - Evolutionary history of Dacrymycetes -”

12:00 閉会

募 集

Q&A: http://www.bio.mie-u.ac.jp/junkan/busshitsu/lab2/MSJKSM2010.htm#QA
Announcement for MSJ (The Mycological Society of Japan)/KSM (Korean Society of Mycology) Joint Symposium 2010
The director of the MSJ international meetings (Prof. Dr. K. Iwase)

Recent globalizations of research activities make us close associations with neighboring countries for further the progress and development on mycological studies. In this occasion, we aimed to establish friendship as well as exchange of research information with Korea, we decided to held a symposium in this September between the two countries supported by both the sides of mycological society. Since the COP 10 is held coming October in Nagoya, Japan, the symposium also focus on the fungal species diversity as well as other topics. Moreover, we will have a domestic lecture organized by the MSJ before the symposium.
We are happy to announce this symposium and the detailed information will be update on this web site.

Date: 5th (Sun.) - 6th(Mon.) September, 2010
Place: Osaka Museum of Natural History ( http://www.mus-nh.city.osaka.jp/)
Address: Nagai Park 1-23 , Higashi-Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, 546-0034, Japan
Phone +81-6-6697-6221
Access: The museum is in the Botanical garden of Nagai Park, Higashi-sumiyoshi-ku.
By subway: get off at "M26:Nagai" station of "Midosuji Line". 10 min walk to the east.
By JR: get off at "Nagai" station of "Hanwa Line". 15 min walk to the east.
Attendance fee: Free for both days
Party cost: 4,000 yen (tentative)

Tentative program
Sept 5 (Sunday)
[Lecture meeting to promote public awareness of biodiversity] (Japanese)
“Overviews of current progress on fungal diversity in Japan from inventory to ecosystem interactions” by Dr. Yousuke Degawa & Dr. Daisuke Sakuma
(organized by the MSJ domestic section)
[MSJ/KSM Joint Symposium 2010] (English)
Welcome speech
Invited lectures (30-40 min/ person)
Japan side
“Diversity and functioning of microfungi along a climatic gradient”
by Dr. Takashi Osono - Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University
“The diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi - Recent approaches and problems -”
by Dr. Keisuke Obase - Kangwon National University
“Origin and diversification of wood-decaying basidiomycetes - Evolutionary history of Dacrymycetes -”
by Dr. Takashi Shirouzu - Tottori University

Poster session
Evening session (18:00)
Symposium party at the museum, ”Green avenue”

Sept 6 (Mon)
Morning session (9:30-)
Oral presentation by both the members (15mim/person)
Closing speech

[Call for presentations]
We are inviting the members, especially young scientists, for oral or poster presentations. Topics involve not only species diversity but other themes. Recommendation by supervisors is also welcome.
[For oral presentation]
15min in English. 12 min for talks and 3min for questions. Presentation will be done using a Windows PC (OS; windows7) with PowerPoint2007. For those who are Mac or other OS users, be sure to be appropriately run under above the condition.
[For poster presentation]
an A0 size board will be prepared. A poster is recommended in English but Japanese can also be allowed. Moreover, the poster presented at the last MSJ meeting can also OK. When this is the case, only the title of abstract will be appeared in the abstract book.

Inquiry and contact
Dr. Yosuke MATSUDA (the secretary of the MSJ international meetings)
e-mail: m-yosuke@bio.mie-u.ac.jp
Q&A: http://www.bio.mie-u.ac.jp/junkan/busshitsu/lab2/MSJKSM2010.htm#QA
Please state “MSJ/KSM symposium” in e-mail titles at the time of inquiry.
Those who wish to present at the symposium either oral or poster, please indicate followings in the e-mail content; Names of presenter, type of presentation (Oral/Poster), contact (phone, e-mail) until 13th Aug. If a presenter is a student, please also indicate your supervisors’ name, phone and e-mail. When the type of presentation is a poster, please indicate if the presentation material was used at the last MSJ meeting or not.

[Format of abstract for oral and poster presentations]
File type: MS-Word 2003 or 2007
Length of abstract: 300 words including title, name(s), affiliation(s), corresponding e-mail and text
Margin: 30 mm in the width for all sides
Font and it size: Time New Roman and allied font types with 11pt
Dead line: 13th August
Submission: The abstract is e-mail to Yosuke Matsuda (m-yosuke@bio.mie-u.ac.jp) with noticing “MSJ/KSM symposium abstract” in the e-mail title at the time of submission.

Please use word ornamentations such as “italic” for scientific names and “upper” and “lower” case for chemical composition etc.
When there are more than two authors, please indicate the presenter with “*”.
No references and key words are allowed.
The format of submitted abstract may change during an editing process.
Those who are going to present the same poster as was presented at the last MSJ meeting, no abstract submission are required. The titles of their presentations will be appeared in the abstract book.
  ■日 時
2010年9月5日(日)午後〜6日(月)午前 of Mycology) Joint Symposium 2010開催のお知らせ  
  ■場 所
大阪市立自然史博物館(http://www.mus-nh.city.osaka.jp/) 住所:〒546-0034 大阪市東住吉区長居公園1-23 アクセス: 地下鉄御堂筋線「長居(ながい)」駅 南改札口3号出口から東へ約800m  JR阪和線「長居」駅 東出口から東へ約1km  
  ■備 考


IMC9: The Biology of Fungi
  ■概 要
9th Internatonal Mycological Congress 
  ■日 時
1-6 August 2010 
  ■場 所
Edinburgh, UK 
  ■備 考
The International Mycological Congress represents the greatest scientific forum to provide an up-to-date perspective of mycology in all its guises. The 9th International Mycological Congress (IMC9: the Biology of Fungi) will be hosted by the British Mycological Society in 2010 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Scientific themes
Cell biology, biochemistry and physiology
Environment, ecology and interactions
Evolution, biodiversity and systematics
Fungal pathogenesis and disease control
Genomics, genetics and molecular biology

For full details visit www.imc9.info

  ■概 要
  ■日 時
  ■場 所
National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan 
  ■備 考

  ■概 要
AMC 2009 and the 11th IMFMS to be held in Taiwan will provide a broad theme covering many areas of fungal research. The program includes seven keynote lectures, oral presentations organized into over twenty sessions, poster presentations, and two workshops. This will serve as a platform for mycologists from Asia and around the world to present their latest developments, share knowledge and research, and establish collaborative and strategic partnerships in this field. 
  ■日 時
November 15-19, 2009 
  ■場 所
National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan 
  ■備 考

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